1. What is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis stands as the sole FDA-approved permanent hair removal method, certified by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Amidst various FDA-endorsed hair removal techniques, electrolysis uniquely guarantees permanent results. Electrolysis not only ensures the permanent elimination of unwanted hair but also serves as an effective solution for ingrown hairs, aiding in their treatment to prevent the development of painful cysts.

2. How does Electrolysis work?
Electrolysis operates through the insertion of a fine, sterile probe into the hair follicle, followed by the application of a low current of electricity and lye. (Please note: I adhere strictly to the use of disposable probes for each client.) This meticulously controlled process is designed to systematically destroy the root of the hair, ensuring permanent removal. One of the distinguishing features of electrolysis is its efficacy across all hair types, irrespective of color. Unlike alternative hair removal methods that primarily target darker hair, electrolysis demonstrates equal effectiveness on blond and grey hairs, offering comprehensive solutions for diverse clientele.

3. What are the stages of hair growth?
Hair follicles progress through three distinct stages: the anagen (growing) phase, the catagen (shedding) phase, and the telogen (resting) phase. The duration of each stage varies depending on the specific area of the body. It's important to note that during initial treatment sessions, it may seem like hair is re-growing. However, this phenomenon is often attributed to the emergence of new hair from its resting stage, as individuals typically have multiple layers of hair in various growth stages simultaneously. Understanding these stages is essential for effective hair removal strategies and managing expectations throughout the treatment process.

4. Why would I choose electrolysis over laser treatments?
The distinction lies in the permanence of results. While both electrolysis and laser treatments are effective methods for hair reduction, electrolysis stands out as the sole FDA-approved technique for permanent hair removal. The FDA explicitly states that laser treatments offer "permanent reduction," not "permanent removal" of hair. This means that while laser treatments can significantly reduce the total number of body hairs, they may not achieve complete eradication. In contrast, electrolysis ensures the permanent removal of unwanted hair by systematically destroying the hair follicle. This distinction makes electrolysis a preferred choice for individuals seeking a permanent solution to unwanted hair growth, particularly for those with lighter or finer hair that may not respond as effectively to laser treatments.

5. How long will each appointment take?
The duration of each treatment session is entirely customizable to accommodate your specific requirements. While the minimum treatment time is fifteen minutes, you have the flexibility to reserve as much time as necessary to address your hair removal needs comprehensively. Whether you require a quick touch-up or a more extensive session to target multiple areas, I am committed to tailoring each appointment to ensure optimal results and your utmost satisfaction.

6. If I’ve never done electrolysis before, how can I know how much time I will need?
Don't worry— I'm here to assist you every step of the way. To determine the optimal treatment duration for your electrolysis sessions, I recommend scheduling a complimentary consultation. During this personalized session, we can discuss your hair removal goals in detail. Additionally, I will evaluate various factors such as the density of hair, the size of the treatment area, and your individual skin and hair characteristics. Based on this assessment, I can provide expert guidance on the estimated duration of our sessions and tailor a treatment plan specifically suited to your needs. Your comfort, satisfaction, and achieving optimal results are my top priorities, and I look forward to helping you embark on your electrolysis journey.

7. How many treatments are needed?
The number of treatments required varies based on individual factors such as the treatment area, hormone balance, and previous hair removal methods. It's important to note that we can only permanently treat the hairs that are currently visible; we cannot predict the emergence of new growth or the timing of such growth. Typically, clients achieve optimal results with weekly treatments initially. As we progress with treatment and observe visible improvements, the frequency of visits can be adjusted accordingly, with less frequent sessions required over time. For a more accurate assessment of your individual needs and treatment plan, I offer complimentary consultations. During this consultation, we can discuss your specific goals and develop a personalized approach to achieve the best possible outcomes for you.

8. Are there side effects?
Following treatment, it's common to experience temporary side effects such as mild redness or swelling, which typically subside within an hour. Applying ice to the treated area can help alleviate any discomfort. It's important to avoid direct sunlight exposure and refrain from applying makeup to the treated area for 24 hours post-treatment to minimize the risk of irritation or complications. Additionally, I provide thorough post-treatment care instructions to ensure your comfort and optimize the healing process. If you have any concerns or experience persistent side effects, please don't hesitate to reach out, as your well-being is my top priority.

9. Does electrolysis work if hair has been waxed, tweezed or shaved for years?
Absolutely! Electrolysis remains effective regardless of previous hair removal methods. Whether you've been waxing, tweezing, or shaving for years, electrolysis can still deliver permanent results. By targeting individual hair follicles, electrolysis systematically destroys them, rendering them unable to produce new hair growth. This makes electrolysis a versatile and reliable solution for achieving long-lasting hair removal, regardless of your previous grooming habits.

10. When are you available?
I realize many of you work during the weekdays and have busy weekends, so I offer flexible and extended hours. I work Tuesday through Friday from 8 am – 7 pm, and on Saturdays from 8 am – 5 pm.

11. Do you have any testimonials that I could read?
Absolutely! I'm delighted to share testimonials from satisfied clients who have experienced the benefits of my services. You can read firsthand accounts of their experiences and outcomes by clicking on the following link to visit my Yelp page. These testimonials offer valuable insights into the quality of care, professionalism, and results you can expect when choosing my electrolysis services. If you have any further questions or would like to discuss how I can assist you, please don't hesitate to reach out.